Practice Gratitude
The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they’re thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. And gratitude doesn’t need to be reserved only for momentous occasions like Thanksgiving: sure, you might express gratitude after receiving a promotion at work, but you can also be thankful for something as simple as a fabulously fun outfit!
Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction. Do you keep a gratitude journal? I should get better at doing this although I try to dedicate some time at the start and end of my day to reflect on my gratitudes and all that is good in my life! I had my special education students start every day with writing at least three things he/she was grateful for in their journals to set the day up positively!
My Top 5 Gratitudes
5. Followers and Social Media Community

We met while I was on vacation in Malibu!
June 2019

November 2019

I am continually touched and so appreciative of all the positive support, kind words and encouragement that are given from others in this blogging, social media community on a daily basis!

We often talk about how the algorithms change and can’t be figured out and the amount of time required to do this really well can be draining and exhausting, which sucks up all your free time. However, we do it because we truly enjoy each other, lift each other up, support and share tips and tricks to ensure each other’s successes! We celebrate each other and in the end would miss the connection we have! A BIG THANK YOU FTF followers for your kind and caring words! You bring me gratitude!
4. My Job ~ Prevention Coordinator

I get to get up every day and go to a job in a school district with people I enjoy, doing the work I know I was put on this earth to do! This fills my heart with gratitude and appreciation! Every day isn’t perfect and some are far more challenging than others but I can always find a bright spot even if it’s a hug from a kindergartner! Ensuring all students, especially those with challenges, are successful both academically and emotionally is immense joy and fills me with gratitude! My daily job as Prevention Coordinator brings me gratitude!
3. Health and Fitness

Although I have a diagnosis of Scleroderma, it doesn’t keep me from being determined to live my healthiest, fittest life! I’m extremely grateful for the WW Lifestyle Program that has enabled me to loose weight along with our leader and the members of our support group – all fabulous people and now friends!
Finding fitness activities that I enjoy and actually like doing fills me with gratitude especially since exercising isn’t something I have found enjoyable in the past. In sharing my journey, both challenges and successes, many friends and co-workers have said that I’ve inspired them. My heart is touched as I really had no idea that this could be an area that I could support others and encourage their successes! I’m grateful that I’ve been able to regain my health and fitness at the age of 58! My mantra: You’re never too old and it’s never too late! Heath and Fitness bring me gratitude!
2. Friends ~ Both Old and New

Hanging with my gal pals holds high value with me and brings immense joy! I always leave them feeling lifted and rejuvenated especially after a day or night of laughter! Some friends I’ve had since I was a child and others I’ve met along this journey of life! We can count on each other in both good times and bad times. Friends are the family we choose! My friends bring me gratitude!
1. Family

Being a daughter, wife, step-mom, grandma, niece all fill me with gratitude! Mr. FTF and I have always been supportive and encouraging of each other to follow our heart’s passions and to pursue what we love! Life can be hard and we don’t always like each other but we ALWAYS LOVE each other! Our trials and tribulations could have torn us apart but it always brought us closer together! I’m grateful to do life with him! Mr. FTF brings me immense gratitude!
Spending time with my favorite girlie, granddaughter Violet fills my heart with joy! Mr. FTF and I enjoy taking her places and going on adventures no matter how big or small! Violet brings me great gratitude!

Spending time with my mom, aunts, and cousins fills me with joy and gratitude!

Let’s Chat
FTF wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving! May your hearts be filled and grateful today and all year long! Do you practice gratitude? What are you thankful for? Leave us a comment! We’d love to hear from you!
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What a great post and message and photos.!
Thanks Mom! You thought you didn’t comment but you did! Woo Hoo!
Love You!
J xo