The month of November and the Thanksgiving Holiday Season are the perfect times to reflect on all that is good and the abundance of blessings in our lives! Gratitude is such an easy practice and yet so powerful with so many benefits so I try and practice it daily! To see my previous post on Gratitude: click HERE. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word thankful as “pleased and relieved.” Both of those are great feelings. … The Oxford Dictionary defines the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness.” This is where the difference lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action.
When I look at and reflect on my list over the years, the things I’m grateful and thankful for don’t change much but the specifics change slightly! Here is my 2021 Thanksgiving and Gratitude Reflections!

Grateful to Celebrate a Milestone Birthday

It often catches me slightly off guard when I hear someone complain or vent about getting another year older. Even the saying, “Getting old ain’t for the faint of heart!” while perhaps somewhat true, I much prefer this quote: “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.” Celebrating my 60th birthday with all my family and girlfriends this past year felt like such a wonderful opportunity to appreciate another year and allow me to look forward to more opportunities for adventures and experiences in my future! A gift so many never get. (To read a previous blog post on why you should do birthday pictures at any age, click HERE.) My mantra continues to be: You’re never too old! It’s never too late!
Grateful for Life Long Friends

Along with turning 60, I was able to take two wonderful girlfriend trips to celebrate our birthdays! I can’t imagine my life without them in it! Our friendship and our time together always fuels my soul and brings me such a sense of gratitude and thankfulness! (To read about our celebratory trips, click HERE and HERE.)
Grateful for My Health

While I do have a rare autoimmune disease called, Scleroderma and did catch Covid this past year (even though I am fully immunized), my overall health is good! (To read a previous post about Scleroderma, click HERE.) Maintaining good health and fitness continues to be a priority for me, which in turn enables me to continue doing the things I love and being active no matter my age! I was able to try several new fitness activities this past year. Additionally, I got to go zip lining with my granddaughter and step-daughter during my birthday week. I also got to take my granddaughter and step-daughter to aerial yoga in trees, which we’ve been trying to schedule for some time! I’m grateful to be able to maintain my health and fitness level because without these most other aspects of life either aren’t possible or become much more difficult! On a side note, as I added these pictures I began to think that I look adventurous but quit frankly I am not! I do like to try new things and have new experiences but would never define myself as adventurous! Remember…You’re never too old! It’s never too late! I’m grateful my body continues to allow me to enjoy activities outdoors with those I love!

I don’t like roller coasters at all but I do want to live life in the FRONT ROW!
Grateful to Wake Up and Go to a Job I Love
There is no denying that this is potentially the absolute most difficult year of my professional career, which started in 1984. As educators, we thought the last year and a half was difficult but I knew that returning after not having been in school for a year and half would be more of a challenge! I was undoubtedly correct although I sure wish I would have been wrong! However, I still find myself happy to get up and go to work supporting teachers and the most challenged students across my district. I am thankful and grateful to do what I know I am here to do and am definitely living my purpose! Each day at work I continue to be able to find glimmers of joy and pride in our staff and our district and fun interacting with children! It’s really all about the kids! They say the darnedest things which usually cause me to laugh! I view the kids with the most difficult behaviors as a puzzle to be solved not a problem to be removed and delight when I can help a teacher or team help their student/s! On a side note, going to work every day gives me reason and pleasure to dress up!

My “Pearls” Look
During a recent student observation in a kindergarten classroom, the sweetest little girl said, “Excuse me! You’re so pretty and I love all of your pretty jewelry especially the pearls! When is snack?” What kindergartener knows her gem stones? She’s definitely a little fashionista in the making!

While in a lunchroom of fourth and fifth graders, a student approached me from behind and tapped on my shoulder. She said to me, “From behind you look like a rich girl!” As she looked at me head on she clarified and stated, “I mean lady!” Once she saw my face, she realized I was too old to be a girl! LOL!

Lastly, I was observing a first grade boy who mostly like has Autism. After spending the afternoon with him, he told me that I reminded him of ghost spider especially my hair! You see he’s a huge fan of Marvel super heroes! Apparently, ghost spider is an archenemy of Spiderman, which is one of his favorites. You know I had to Google ghost spider. Here she is…do you see the resemblance?
Eternally Grateful for MY LOVE

Chaser AC/DC – Stacked Animal Recycled Vintage Jersey Rolled Short Sleeve Tee

It goes without saying that I’m grateful and thankful for the love of my life…my one true love! I know that some people search for this type of love for a lifetime. Therefore, it’s a gift to know, to be loved and to love each and everyday for the past 34 plus years! Like all couples we have our daily challenges and our ups and downs but when it comes down to it, he’ll always be the one I want by my side! As we’ve dealt with and continue to deal with some medical challenges for Len I’ve been reminded that it’s the little things that are really the big things worthy of being celebrated! I’m reminded that each day brings with it a new opportunity, a fresh start, and great things ahead! We have each other, our love and our daily fun and laughter for which my heart is full of gratitude!
So there you have it: friends, family, health and a daily purpose fulfill me and provide me with endless gratitude and thankfulness each and every day of the year!
Please know that I include each and everyone of you in my list of gratitudes! I appreciate your kind words and comments along with your daily support and encouragement both here and on the blog and on the social media platforms! Sharing my love of all things fashion with you brings me great joy and gratitude! I’ve met so many wonderful women both virtually and in person! Your friendship motivates and fills me with joy!
Fashion Trends and Friends wishes you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!

Let’s Chat
FTF friends I hope that you find gratitude and thankfulness in your daily lives and that you’re rich and abundant in love! What are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving Season? Leave us a comment! We love to hear from you!
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This post contains affiliate links, meaning when you click on an item or purchase an item, I may receive a very small commission for the click or purchase. These picks are NOT sponsored, are selected solely by me, and opinions are entirely my own.
Beautiful post Jules! I’m so thankful for our friendship!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much Lor! I’m so grateful to call you a forever friend! Life is better with you in it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Julie xo