Feature a Friend

Meet “Leahbops”

Art by  @mspencerart

At Fashion Trends and Friends, we are as much about friends as we are about fashion! Therefore, we periodically like to feature someone we think you’ll enjoy getting to know!

First, the back story of how Leah and I met. If you’ve been following FTF for some time, you know that I have been on a weight loss journey followed by a fitness journey. (To read about my weight loss journey, click HERE. To read about my fitness journey, click HERE.) A quick recap, I lost over 50 pounds by following Weight Watchers. During the eight months it took me to loose the weight, I did not workout. Yes, you read that correctly! Not that I’m proud of that but that has been my journey. In the past, I had worked out but was always heavy. Aside from my childhood, I had not been in my BMI and fit much of my adult life. Time to change all that. In January of 2019, I established a goal of finding fitness activities that I could become excited about and actually want to go and do. That’s when I found Pound Fit and Aerial Yoga. To read about Aerial Yoga, click HERE.

Pictured here with two friends from Weight Watchers and a long time friend from high school. I love Pound Fit so much that I continually brought friends and relatives to experience it! I was hoping to bring it to my school district for both students and staff!
I’ve always enjoyed doing yoga so trying aerial yoga just made sense! Both aerial yoga and Pound Fit classes were offered at my gym.

March 2020 the pandemic hits. We are required to shelter in place. My gym is closed! I’m pretty sure I spent the first two weeks sitting on the couch and binge watching Netflix. We might have gone on a periodic walk. When it began to become apparent that this wasn’t ending any time soon, I began to panic. I was fearful that my old eating habits and lack of fitness could easily become my new (old) norm so easy to resort back to but I soldiered on. Determination in figuring out how to be able to workout and continue to do the activities I love became paramount! I do believe where there’s a will there’s a way.

Pound Fit offers an on line subscription which includes taking prerecorded classes. I was thrilled and ordered my own “rip stix”. The minute they arrived I did my first class. I was hot and sweaty and happy! However, one thing was really missing for me. The camaraderie that comes from taking group classes and the social interaction. I know that I need that for it to be a super fulfilling, fun workout that I look forward to doing. Enter Leah and on line, virtual Pound Fit classes. The next best thing to actually being in person! Leah is my pandemic, fitness LIFESAVER!

Leaah’s virtual set up!

Meet Leah

What sparked your interest in fitness?

“When I was elementary school age, my mom avidly attended Jazzercise classes. She would bring me along, and I was too old for the babysitting area but too young for the class. Gratefully, the instructor made an exception for me since I was more “adult” for my age (always!), and I not only took the class with my mom, but the instructor would put me onstage to demo moves during the class. I loved it! In those moments, I never thought fast forward to now I’d be teaching fitness, but I think those early memories with my mom definitely sparked the start of my fitness journey.”

What is your background in fitness? 

“I earned my first fitness license to teach Zumba in 2012, working up to eventually teaching 15-20 classes/week while I lived in Chicago (and even biking to each location!). I earned additional fitness licenses including Spin, POUND, TRX, and PomSquad, and currently hold an active AFAA Group Exercise Certification. “

In order to continue my goal of trying new fitness activities despite sheltering in place, I took several of Leah’s Zumba classes virtually! I was happy to be able to try something new and have been wanting to try Zumba for some time. At my gym, Zumba classes were scheduled in the room next to my Pound Fit studio and always sounded like a lot of fun!

When and why did you decide to become a Pound, PomSquad and Zumba instructor?  What are the benefits of each of these classes?

“Growing up in dance classes and then studying dance in College, I always loved dancing. When I graduated from Northwestern University in 2012, I even joined a professional dance company. Around that same time, I decided to get my Zumba certification since I had taken classes and loved it. Zumba added fun to workouts, and made dancing accessible to everyone. I loved that it also introduced Latin dances to a fitness class, which I used to do in my ballroom dancing days! I exclusively taught Zumba classes for the following years, and in 2018 I heard about a drumming fitness class that intrigued me. Having been a tap dancer, I loved the idea of combining drumming with a rockstar workout. I took one class, and I was hooked on becoming a POUND Pro, earning my license to teach POUND that summer. I loved the full-body workout, the feeling of percussion on both an emotional and physical level, and the amazing POUND community. It’s truly unlike any community I’ve ever experienced. I’ve met some of my closest friends through POUND, and they’re all rockstars — such giving, kind-hearted people. In this inclusive spirit, I collaborated with my friend that taught PomSquad classes, and I loved this new-to-me cheer-filled positive format. I became a PomSquad Captain in May 2020. I love that it’s a cheerleading-inspired class for the rebels in all of us, because we all want to shake our poms to today’s hits and yesterday’s favorites. The thread between all of the fitness classes I teach is the inclusivity, body celebration, and positivity that radiates from each of these formats. Of course, all are killer workouts, but that extra added value is so important to me and why I do what I do.”

Everything that Leah states here totally resonates with me on so many levels! I’m probably the oldest person in all of the classes and it never matters or crosses my mind that I’m too old or it’s too hard! As a former cheerleader and pom squad member, I love the high energy, dancing and feeling of being part of something bigger than myself!

How do you maintain a positive attitude and inspire others to do the same?

My friend in high school told me that my neutral face is a smile. My colleague once gave me a candle with “contagiously positive” written on it. I’m the person that writes my to do lists with a motivational header at the top for myself like “You’ve got this, Leah!” I’ve always skewed more towards joy since I was young. I still experience all the emotions, but I get the greatest joy for myself when I can make others happy and feel good about themselves. This is what I work towards every day. I lead with love, and bring my energy, however it is that day, to others. I try not to apologize for myself, and I think it inspires others to do the same — to feel like they are enough, and to bring their selves out, just as they are.

Leah is exactly as she’s described herself! Her positivity, love of life, super high energy is contagious! Exactly what’s needed, at least for me, as we deal with the pandemic! Even while teaching class, Leah will call out our names and indicate what we’re doing well. I’ve gotta tell you hearing your name is a real motivator at least it is for me! Leah notices us and despite being remote makes every effort to connect to each of us personally. I love that she does this and it’s so critical right now!

What tips or tricks can you suggest for getting and staying motivated?

Motivation, in my experience, relies on two things. The first is passion or desire. Hopefully, what you’re trying to do or add to your life is something you love and enjoy. Otherwise, why? If it’s something that you have to do, then can you find at least one thing you like about it? And the second is community and support. Find a community and network that will cheer for you, and maybe get in on what you’re doing, becoming your little community of motivators. With these two things in place, it is the most powerful way to stay motivated for me.

When Leah started offering Pom Squad Fitness classes, I was ecstatic! It afforded me another opportunity to try another new to me fitness class! Unlike doing a dance routine to one song, it’s a high energy dance class for 60 minutes of non stop moving and dancing and when in doubt, “step, tap it out”! I burn the calories like crazy! YAY!

Leah and I all hot and sweaty after an amazingly fun workout so please disregard my crazy hair!
There’s nothing better than the great feeling you have after a super fun workout!
Look who joined us this week! Val of Maple Leopard. You can follow Val on Instagram HERE. Val and I first met in person through the original Fierce Fifty Campaign and get together in Redondo Beach, CA.

This is exactly why I’ve been on a mission to find fitness activities that bring me joy, something I look forward to doing and help me stay fit! Leah also brings additional fun to her virtual classes by incorporating themes, dressing up and encouraging us to do the same! This fashionista loves being able to express my love for fashion along with my workouts!

How have you shifted your training from in-person to virtual? 

Aside from the technology shifts necessary, my training needed to shift as well. I’ve always remembered my students’ names in my classes in-person, and virtual is the same. I strive to get to know every person that attends my class, even virtually. It’s definitely a lot more challenging virtually, being that I cannot chat with people before or after class like I could in-person, but social media and digital communications have allowed me to bridge this obstacle. I’ve also loved the ability to get creative and have over-the-top themed classes that would never have been possible in-person. For my virtual classes, I try to form connections, reminding everyone that class is live, and we’re in this together. That, for me, is one of the most important of my pillars: stay connected, stay positive, and keep moving.

YES! YES! YES! Leah is so good at doing all of these! We haven’t met in person yet but I hope to one day!

Fashion advice for workouts? (You know I had to ask this!)

Wear things that make you feel strong and powerful! My favorite fitness brands are K-Deer, XOX Mary, POUND, PomSquad, Fabletics, and sometimes Old Navy. Leggings that are lightweight with pockets are my favorites, but they can be pricey (looking at you, LuluLemon!). I’ve recently discovered Poshmark which is a game-changer in tracking down discounted workout clothes (as well as clothes in general). I typically go for colorful sets that are comfortable and make me happy to look at and wear. This also is my advice for non-workout fashion, too! After all, on the darkest days, wear your brightest clothes.

To Connect With and Follow Leah

Website: linktr.ee/lrkfit

Instagram: @leahfitnessrebel

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ZINleah/

POUND PROfile: https://poundfit.com/instructor/219771/leah-koch/

Zumba Page: https://www.zumba.com/en-US/profile/leah-koch-/585778

Let’s Chat

A friendly reminder that you’re never too old and it’s never too late! I would have never guessed that I’d loose the weight I did and find fitness activities that bring me joy in my late 50’s! If you need someone to cheer you on, I’m happy to be your cheerleader and I know Leah would as well!

I would love for you to join Leah and I virtually for a Pound Fit Class or a Pom Squad Fitness Class. I take Pound Fit twice a week and Pom Squad Fitness once a week. Leave me a comment or send me an email if you’re interested or have any questions! Try it! You just might love it!

What workout activities do you enjoy doing? Leave me a recommendation! I’d love to try new things!

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    • FTF says:

      Hi Lucy!

      Yes, both Pound Fit, Pom Squad Fitness and Aerial Yoga all bring me joy and provide a great workout! I enjoy my classes and being with others. I appreciate your kind words!

      Julie xo

    • FTF says:

      Hi Lisa!

      Yes! That’s always been my mission since I’ve started to get fit. I was sure I could find fitness activities that were fun and brought me joy while providing me with a good workout! I’m feeling blessed that I have at least three things I can truly get excited about doing! I’m going to continue to try new things because you never know what else might spark some additional fun fitness!

      Julie xo

  1. Gwen Gottlieb says:

    Omg what a fab post! I am so tired of putting fitness last! My family, work, and social media (my second job) and I can’t lose weight- maybe this? I need an intervention! Leah sounds amazing!

    • FTF says:

      Hi Gwen!

      Thanks so much for your kind comments! I would love for you to join us! Let me know and I’ll send you the links to sign up! Leah is AH MA ZING!

      Julie xo

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