I find a daily 10 minute mediation reduces my stress, improves my mental focus and increases my overall sense of well being.  It is hands down the single best thing I do for myself on a daily basis! Meditation is a great way to keep calm and focused during the holidays!  Do you enjoy the practice of meditation?

Daily Meditation


During the holiday season, it can be extremely difficult to find time to get to the gym, exercise and maintain healthy eating.  Climbing stairs is a great way to work your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. Approximately 60 days ago, I started walking the 5 flights of stairs to my office. I do this once when I first arrive on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Friday.  I take Wednesday off. I don’t like doing it, it never seems to get easier and I am huffing and puffing when I arrive at the top.  It literally only takes a few minutes and the payoff is huge! I am stronger and my thighs haven’t looked this good in years!

Another simple idea is to park far away from your destination and get more steps in your day!  Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking?!

How do you like to maintain your physical health during the holidays?

Walk the Stairs Instead of Taking the Elevator


Take a couple hours out of your busy schedule and refuel your energies!  Consider getting a manicure, pedicure and/or a massage!  It might be just what the doctor ordered to put holiday pep back in your step . Not to mention having a holiday mani/pedi is F-U-N!

I tend to carry stress in my shoulder and neck area.  I will catch myself with my shoulders raised and tensed.  Either a quick visit to my chiropractor and or a longer visit getting a massage can relax my muscles and ease some tension and stress! I plan to do just that over winter break along with a facial!

Another way to destress is a therapeutic bath with Espsom Salt Soaking Solution.  Dr Teal’s makes a Wellness Therapy Soaking Solution.  If you’re not a bath person and prefer showers, how about using a shower bomb.  

How do you like to pamper yourself? 

Holiday Mani (DIP)

Holiday Pedi (Red Toes)



SHOP Epsom Salt and Shower Bombs:  A great holiday gift idea!  Even Mr. FTF likes the Shower Bombs!


A highlight of the holidays for me is spending time with family and friends doing things I love with those I love!  Sometimes is easiest to go out vs having people over although I’m doing both this season.  Once my house is decorated, I love to have others over.  This year I’m hosting my “Sclero Sisters” (See a previous post on my autoimmune disease:  I Have Scleroderma.  It Doesn’t Have Me!) . It is my turn to host my college girl friends.  Each year we rotate turns.  


The friends and family pictured below (and others not pictured) not only bring me great joy they also bring me laughter!  I LOVE TO LAUGH!  Did you know that laughter has great health benefits?  Research suggests that laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day (300 times per day), but as adults life tends to be more serious and laughter more infrequent (sadly only 20 times per day). By seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter, though, you can improve your emotional health, strengthen your relationships, find greater happiness—and even add years to your life.  Go ahead and laugh more!

Dinner and Drinks with Life-Long Friends
Bonefish Grill

Shopping with My Favorite Gal Pals at my Happy Place – Steinmart

We Shopped Till We Dropped!  Dinner and Drinks at P.F. Changs China Bistro
Christmas Laughs, Drink and Eats with my “Sclero Sisters”

Breakfast with Santa
The “Real” Santa according to My Favorite Girlie


I’ve loved looking at lights and holiday decorations for as long as I can remember.  As a little girl, I fondly recall going to see very special Christmas Eve decorations on Lehnertz Ave prior to going to my grandparents.  As an adult, I still delight in going down Lehnertz Ave.  Although it seems rather simplistic, it holds dear, sweet memories for me! 

My husband knows I love seeing the lights so he’ll drive me around the neighborhood so I can look – sometimes I go in my jammies and wrap myself in a blanket. Additionally, there are some destinations that put on amazing light shows.  Two that come to mind that I love are Illuminations at the Morton Arboretum and the Brookfield Zoo Lights.   

Do you have a special display you like to see or a special tradition that helps to keep you stress free and bring you joy?

Christmas Eve 1965: Pictured with My Aunt Maryann . I’m 3.

Christmas Eve :  My Brother on the Left, Cousin (and avid FTF follower) Sharie in the Center and Me
Lehnertz Ave

After WWII soldiers returned to the US to build their homes and their families. Upon their return this community committed themselves to leave a legacy to their children that included the biblical Christmas story. This drive-through display where residents each display a part of the original Christmas story includes lights, sound and all the biblical characters: wise men, camels, shepherds, sheep and manger scene. Peanuts characters with Charlie Brown follow on Lehnertz Circle. All lighted and all free! (Lehnertz is recognized as the oldest, totally free traditional Christmas display in Illinois.)
Had to Stop and Pose Amongst the Christmas Lights
Doing My Happy Holiday Dance
Morton Arboretum Illuminations 
Brookfield Zoo Lights


Every holiday I enjoy reading a Christmas story/book that has a light hearted happy message!  Curling up on the couch in a pair of comfy, cozy warm pjs with a drink by the fire can be stress reducing and mood lifting.  

Do you enjoy reading a good book or magazine?

A Pile of Books and a Drink….CHEERS!

Christmas Presence
Twelve Gifts That Were More Than They Seemed
Edited by:  Gregory F. Augustine Pierce

SHOP Christmas Stories:  A great gift idea for the avid reader!

SHOP:  Comfy, cozy holiday pajamas …who doesn’t love a great pair of jammies?!

Hopefully, you gained some ideas or strategies on how to stay stress free throughout the holiday season.  How do you like to destress, keep calm and enjoy the holidays?  Leave us a comment!

For some more ideas on Practicing Self-Care at this stressful time of year, check out our previous blog post:  https://www.fashiontrendsandfriends.com/practicing-self-care/(opens in a new tab)

If you shop any of our links, we’ll make a small commission.  


    • FTF says:

      Hi Suzanne,

      Appreciate your kind words about this post! Glad you like the ideas! I would love to join you and Kanesha with a trip to Stein Mart!

      Julie xo

    • FTF says:

      Thanks so much Loretta! I truly appreciate you not only taking the time to read my blog but also for leaving a comment! I appreciate your kind words! Hope your holiday season is merry and bright and calm!

      Julie xo

    • FTF says:

      Hi Hilda,

      Yes, it’s Lori who is mediating. She’s really made an effort to do so regularly. I also need to get better at it and make it a habit! Time is always an issue!

      Have a great holiday!
      Julie xo

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